About This Site


Sarah Butler is the band and choir teacher at Cascade Middle School in Seattle, Washington.  Sarah grew up in Richland, WA in a musical family.  She started singing and taking piano lessons from a young age and picked up the clarinet for the first time in middle school.  Sarah graduated from Richland High School and received her Bachelor of Arts in Music Education from Whitworth University in 2011.  Once she graduated from Whitworth, she moved to Eastern Oregon to be the Band and Choir Teacher in Umatilla, Oregon for Umatilla High School and Clara Brownell Middle School.  After three years in Umatilla, Sarah’s husband got a job in Seattle that required that she leave Eastern Oregon, and was ecstatic to find a position with the Highline School District in White Center, Seattle, WA.  Above all, Sarah loves teaching music, and looks forward to working with her students every single day.  In her spare time, Sarah loves spending time with her husband, Tyler, and her dog, Harvey, who make her see the lighter side of life every day.

She is currently a Masters Candidate at the American Band College of Sam Houston State University.

This website was created in partial fulfillment of the MUSI 6285 course of the American Band College of Sam Houston State University.  Content on this site is original or was created from a collaboration of the following sources:

Header Image:  https://www.flickr.com/

Patrick Sheridan Biography:  http://www.laphil.com

Patrick Sheridan and Gail Robertson Photos:  http://www.bandworld.org/ABC/

Overtone Series Photo:  http://www.bandworld.org/

Achilles Liarmakopoulos Photo and Bio: http://www.canadianbrass.com

Gail Robertson Biography: http://www.gailrobertson.com

Trombone Position Picture:  http://www.sandi.net/

Euphonium-Trombone Embouchure instruction based on “Embou-Sure” by Robert Spevacek (available from bandworld.org)

Tuba Embouchure instruction based on “Embou-Sure” by Stuart Turner